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Douglasville, GA Oral Surgery Office


6001 Professional Pkwy, Suite 1020
Douglasville, GA 30134



Hours of Operation

Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Request an Appointment

Doctor Practicing at the Douglasville Office

Dr. Antwan Treadway at our Douglasville office specializes in a wide array of procedures including wisdom tooth and other extractions, dental implants, bone grafting, oral pathology and facial reconstruction. Using the latest in technology and staying on the leading edge of clinical updates, our focus is on reducing anxiety, keeping patients informed and providing exceptional care every step of the way.

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Simple Driving Directions

From 20:

Take 20 to exit 36, Chapel Hill Rd.

Head north on Campbellton St.

Turn right onto Hospital Dr.

Turn right onto Professional Pkwy.

Head to the back of the cul-de-sac and enter the parking lot.

We are located on the bottom floor of the building on the right.

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Patient Testimonials

Meet Our Skilled Oral Surgeon in Douglasville, GA

Are you anxious about an upcoming oral procedure? You needn’t be when you choose Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery as your provider. Since 1980, our skilled oral surgeon in Douglasville and the Greater Atlanta Area has provided exceptional patient care. Whether you’re here for wisdom teeth removal or dental implant surgery, we’ll make sure you’re informed every step of the way. Our practice remains on the leading edge of technology and clinical updates. Dr. Antwan Treadway and the rest of our staff would be happy to answer any questions. Reach out to us and schedule an appointment today!

Dental Implants Look and Feel Natural and Are Long-Lasting

Dental implants give our Douglasville patients plenty of reasons to smile. Made of titanium, dental implants fuse with your jawbone and are nearly impossible to remove. They look and feel natural and help preserve dental health. Talk to our oral surgeon about the possibility of replacing missing teeth with dental implants today. Our team provides amazing results over and over again.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Prevents Cavities and Infections

Has your dentist advised that you need wisdom teeth removal? Most people need their wisdom teeth (third molars) removed by their teens or early twenties. That’s because wisdom teeth tend to grow sideways, causing infections, cavities, and even tumors or cysts. During this common outpatient procedure, our oral surgeon administers anesthesia to keep you comfortable. Learn more during a consultation.

Don’t Worry About a Thing: We Offer General Anesthesia

You won’t have to worry about a thing when you schedule your oral surgery at our Douglasville office. We offer general anesthesia to keep patients relaxed and calm during procedures. During your consultation, we’ll determine if intravenous (IV) or oral sedation would be appropriate. We also have nitrous oxide (laughing gas) available, depending on the type of procedure.

Facial Reconstruction to Correct Bite and Speech Problems

Breathing, swallowing, biting, and speech problems caused by jaw misalignments may be addressed through facial reconstruction surgery. Our Douglasville oral surgeon will evaluate you carefully during an exam with x-rays. We also use three-dimensional models to give patients an idea of what to expect during and after surgery. We work closely with your dentist and orthodontist during your treatment.

Bone Grafting Restores Functionality and Aesthetics

Bone grafting is a procedure that often accompanies dental implant surgery. In the past, you may not have qualified for dental implants if you had severe jawbone deterioration. However, we now have the ability to grow bone where needed. Using grafts from elsewhere in your body or a tissue bank, we guide bone regeneration to restore functionality and aesthetics. Explore the possibilities during a consultation.

Oral Pathology Expert on Hand for Professional Exams

Many patients come to our Douglasville office to speak with our oral pathology expert. Often, they’ve discovered something during a monthly self-exam that has them concerned about cancerous growths. Signs to watch out for include lumps, bleeding sores, and whitish or reddish patches inside your mouth. If you’ve noticed any of these warning signs, you could be at a higher risk for developing oral cancer.

Surgical & Non-Surgical Procedures in Douglasville, GA

Not all our Douglasville patients come to us seeking surgical solutions. Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery also provides non-surgical procedures for sleep apnea and more. Contact us today for additional details!